
Aliwan Fiesta 2009 Schedule

I almost forgot that the Aliwan Fiesta 2009 will be this week starting on April23 and ending with the much awaited Grand Parade on April 25. There wasn't much hype for the Aliwan this year unlike the past year. I'll try to invite some friends who are also photography enthusiasts like me. And this year, I'm planning and trying my luck in joining the event's photography contest. hehe

Here is the list of activities for the Aliwan Fiesta 2009 (taken from http://www.aliwanfiesta.com)

April 23

  • - Streetdance Forum (CCP Silangan Hall)
  • - One Town, One Product Shoppers Bazaar
  • - Band Concert and Pasakalye (Aliw Theater outdoor stage - 7:00 p.m.)

April 24

  • - One Town, One Product Shoppers Bazaar
  • - Aliwan Festival Queen Talent Competition (Star Theater, 1:30 p.m.)
  • - Aliwan Festival Queen Pageant Night (Aliw Theater outdoor stage - 7:00 p.m.)

April 25

  • - One Town, One Product Shoppers Bazaar
  • - Grand Parade (Aliw Theater Complex to Quirino Grandstand - 4:00 p.m.)
  • - Awarding Ceremonies (Quirino Grandstand - 9:00 p.m.)

*notice that the Parade Route will start from Aliw Theater and ends at Quirino Grandstand.

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